Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (St. Paul’s Ladies Guild): The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world. All women of the congregation are members of LWML, and are encouraged to participate in the fellowship of the organization.
Locally, to raise funds for our Mission Projects, we have a Christmas for Missions Bazaar each November, with our famous Cookie Walk. The Bazaar also includes articles handcrafted by members of St. Paul’s. The funds raised are then distributed to local and LCMS non-profit organizations throughout the year. Some of the projects we have supported are: Hearts With a Mission, FISH Food Bank, Women’s Crisis Support Team, Christian Services Network, LCMS Indian Ministries, Oregon Youth Authority, Lutheran Braille Workers, LCMS Armed Forces Ministry, a Seminary Student and the Fort Wayne Seminary Co-op to name a few.
At our meeting each month, we have a guest speaker from a local organization or an LCMS organization (when available). We have a chance to learn about the purposes and programs of these ministries. We also assist with special receptions for wedding, memorial services, funerals and whenever else we are needed.
Women’s Retreat: Our Women’s Retreat is held each year between Labor Day and Halloween. We carpool to Bandon, OR on Friday and return on Sunday. It is an opportunity to get away from the busyness of life – relax with friends, share laughter and stories, and spend time in God’s Word. We have time to reflect on the meaning of the Biblical lessons that are presented, we participate in a service project for a local non-profit, and there is still time for fun, fellowship, shopping, eating and relaxing. All women of St Paul’s are invited and encouraged to attend this activity.